GK-284: 18.03.2014

284Friends, Colleagues and Well-Wishers;

Social Workers around the world are coming together to celebrate World Social Work Day, which is celebrated annually on the third Tuesday in March, to highlight for the global community the social work’s professions many contributions to society and to be a part of an on-going dialogue with partners as to how various social challenges can be responded to.

The theme of this year’s World Social Work Day 2014 is: Social and Economic Crises-Social Work Solutions. Social workers are being called upon to engage in actions which: promote equality and equity; Enable people to live their lives sustainably; Build participation of service users, consumers and communities; Facilitate caring communities, and Respect diversity and build connections amongst people.

As a profession, social work has been dedicated to improving the welfare of society,of the individual and working with communities towards self-realization. We work to ensure that people are able access their own power at both the individual and community levels, and that solutions to problems are driven from the service user perspective which help to influence the way systems function and social work services are provided . We must also continue to ensure that people’s human rights are ensured and protected and that the voices of those impacted by others poor business and political decisions are not ignored and are responded to.
Pioneering social worker and Nobel Prize recipient Jane Addams said: “What after all has maintained the human race on this old globe despite all of the calamities of nature and all of the failings of humankind, if not faith in new possibilities and courage to advocate them”. As a profession we must continue to stand up and be counted when it matters … and it matters now more than ever.

On this special Day I want convey my Heartfelt thanks to each and every “Social Worker” around the globe.

Source: Wikipedia